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Friday, September 08, 2006


Life has been tough these days at Maison de HappyBabyMonkey. Poor little girl is sick again. It seems that whenever she catches a cold it goes straight into her lungs and we are back to wheezing and breathing treatments. I was pretty proud of myself though...I successfully argued against the random assignment of antiobiotics and those terrible long nebulizer treatments in lieu of some cough syrup and an albuterol inhaler. Took her back today and although she'll need a mild antiobiotic to help clear up her lungs we won't have to nebulize her. We'll just have the rescue inhaler if she needs it.

I'm sort of spun today. A while ago my dad got contacted about a new job out of the state. Keep in mind that my folks literally live 5 minutes down the street. We've lived this close for going on nine years now. My dad had a really successful phone interview and I've got this feeling that he's probably going to get the job. He's brilliant so of course they should choose him. I would be so happy for him and for my mom but I just can't imagine living without them so close anymore. I know it would tear mom up to be away from Zoe, it would tear me up too but I suppose that is the way of families.

A friend of mine called today to say that she and her husband were starting to try to have kids. she's coming down tomorrow to spend some time with us and see what it's like. They've had pets for a few years and that's as ready as I think you could be.

Well this is a completely unexciting update so boo if you will. I'm working on some film clips to up that should be pretty funny.

It was good to be seen....

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