Mom was worried how Zoe would do in the car, and that really turned out to be the least of our worries (with the exception of the extremely disgusting diaper change that took place in the back (leather) seats of my dads Impala that not only caused Zoe to cry but made me cry like when I'm cutting onions). The end result was that she slept most of the way, played with me the remainder of the time and we all got there in one piece without killing each other.
Sleeping was a whole other basket of bananas. #1 thing to remember - zoe does NOT like sleeping in her Pack N Play. Nope, noway, no how, NADA. Her normal bedtime is 7:30 PM. The first night she finally fell asleep at midnight, and the second night it was sometime after 10 PM.
The rest of the times that we were out she did great, as usual. She loves to be a girl about town and loves shopping even now!
Let's talk about naps and how they relate to back and neck pain. Zoe would NOT nap ANY other way than this:

This was at LEAST three naps a day for half and hour to 45 minutes at a time. THANK GOD for muscle relaxers.
That said though, I'm very proud of how she did! She missed her Daddy so much though! I've never seen her smile like she smiled when she saw David!
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