So Zoe has officially graduated. She's a Big Girl. This past weekend she took a trip down to Dallas to see her aunt and her aunt's doggies. I stayed at home for a little guy vacation, and Kris and the wonderful mother-in-law drove down. Now this wasn't so much a graduation, but a trial by stinking, rotten, cranky fire. Zoe was not a happy little muffin, she was a burnt pancake. She cried, and screamed, and she hit. She got in trouble, then decided to start all over again. The saying goes, "no sleep for the wicked". The adage fails to mention the poor bastards in charge of watching the wicked... cause they don't sleep neither. Needless to say, the wife and mother-in-law came home early. And promptly took long and much needed naps.

In the calmer periods of that weekend, there were some good times. Zoe adores, loves, and delights in playing with doggies. Her aunt's especially.

While I was at home, I took her baby crib apart and moved in her Toddler Bed. So when she got home, we made a big fuss about how she was a big girl now and gets to sleep in her Big Girl Bed. She was delighted. It never ceases to blow my mind to see her put these things together before we utter a word. She was dancing and clapping her hands the moment she saw the bed. Mind you, it had been in her room for a month... but now it was in the same place her crib WAS at. And her crib was gone... she knew what was up. She was very, very excited. That night we snapped a few pics of her and Gracie playing on her new Big Girl Bed.
The next night Grandma and Grandpa came over for the big ceremony. We had taken a trip to Wal-Mart earlier in the evening and Zoe had picked out her new pillows and blanket. So we all cheered for her while she rolled around on her bed and giggled. What can we say, that girl gets more hand clapping than most churches. That night, we peeked in on her to see how she was doing.

It's a big deal, because now she can get up whenever she wants and roam around her room. More freedom, more responsibility. Don't get me wrong, she's not switching dials in a nuclear reactor or anything... at least not yet. But every time we've looked in on her it's freakin adorable. We snapped this picture that first night with her new blankets and redone Big Girl room. Crashed out!
Anyways, things are going well in Happy Baby Monkey-Land. The only poo throwing is from yours truly, and as long as she's at home she's doing pretty well. Just keep your fingers crossed, once she can open doors its a whole new ballgame.
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