But I digress, this is a Zoe blog after all. She's doing really well. Feeling a bit of the terrible two strain but not worse for the wear. Nana (my mother) and her Chinese Pug Sissy spent the night over this past weekend, which Zoe adored. No news is good news, which is why this blog has been so inactive over the past weeks.
Quick story though, Zoe's learned the words and meaning behind "No! No!". Delightfully, she uses it every chance she gets. "Would you like some grapes Zoe? No! No!" then grape eating ensues. "Time to go to bed Zoe. No! No!" "No pooping on the floor! No! No!"-- ok, that's me. But I'm most proud of how she keeps her shoes in line. At seemingly random intervals she'll stop what she's doing, turn and point at her shoes at shout, "No!No! Shoes" like they were trying to steal her wallet. Now I'm sure there's a perfectly plausible explanation. Because you know, 1 1/2 year old girls never do anything crazy. But that's just it. The more Zoe learns to communicate, the more I realize that mankind... at its core... is completely insane.
She has no preconceived ideas about logic. Things happen, she accepts and moves on. The toilet eats poop. Granted. Water is born from the bath and the sky. Of course. Daddy yells at the tv because it's trying to steal his virginity. Absolutely. But the spaces in between is where it gets crazy. She yells at her shoes. Looking at the cat under the bed is hilarious. The primary staple food is bath bubbles. It's no wonder we can't achieve world peace, Zoe can't get along with her shoes for gods sake!
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