Then, sadly, on Sunday we learned that our beloved Jupiter had been struck by a car and died. I am crying as I write this, because although mommies are not never, EVER supposed to have favorites but Jupiter was my special little boy.
Here is his story...
The first time I went to try on wedding dresses I went with my best friend Deena. In February David had rescued Gracie from our local Humane Society for me as a Valentine's day gift and I wanted to get her a companion. Ok, Ok, I know that David will call me on this one - I wanted a kitten because Gracie had decided that she was DAVID's cat and NOT mine and didn't particularly care for me very much.
So, on this glorious March day in which I was shopping for my wedding gown I had also decided to shop for a new kitten. I saw an ad in the paper from a woman who had kittens free to a good home and when I called she told me she wanted to be sure that her kittens went to multi cat households. When we got there, we saw why. The woman, who was the self named "Cat Lady" had about 20 adult cats, 15 kittens and God knows how many dogs. Her house was overrun and she had male strays coming in her pet doors to mate with her females and fight with her males. None of the cats had shots, were fed properly or had been spayed/neutered. The woman's arms were scratched from hand to shoulder. Deena and I were horrified. I wanted so badly to take ALL of them home.
The first cat to catch my eye was a gorgeous but extremely skittish harlequin tabby. She was so tiny but soooo beautiful and she looked JUST like my first cat Harley. I knew I'd be taking her home. My attention kept getting pulled to a cat that Deena had chosen though, a furry gray ball of crazy cute that just settled into the palm of her hand for a nap. He was adorable and the sweetest thing I had ever seen.
After much deliberation I decided to face David's wrath and take two home. We took the harlequin and the crazy gray ball of cute.
David was furious when I came home. I told him I'd take one back in the morning, knowing full well that one night watching those two crazy kittens play together would melt his heart like it had melted mine. It did, and we became parents to THREE disfunctional cats.
Later we would learn that Jupiter, having been severely malnourished at his prior home, would have health issues to contend with his whole life. Jupiter had a lower than normal IQ (think Forrest Gump), joint and tendon problems, suffered petite mal seizures and had malformations in his mouth and jaw that put him a higher risk for kidney disease. My God though he was hilarious!
He had it very clear in his mind that I was his mama...a cat nonetheless and loved nothing better than to "groom" me in the mornings when I wore my fuzzy bathrobe. Hell, I have years of stories I can tell you about this amazing animal, but it breaks my heart to think of them right now.
Jupiter...know that you were loved beyond reason and we were priveledged to have you in our lives. There will never be another cat like you. I know you're waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge and that one day we'll see you again...but for me it will be too long before I hold you in my arms again, and see that snaggle toothed grin, and hear that sweet little purr. I love you will never be forgotten.
Rest in Peace my sweet little Foo Man
3/01 -03/18/2007

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